Looking for a Sacramento hair salon?  Look no further than Hoshall's Salon & Spa.

Highlights can be added to the hair to produce dimension and add some life to the base color. They also are often used to freshen up a hairstyle and make a person look younger.

Highlights should be chosen in one or two shades that go with your skin color, hair color and that will produce the look that you desire, so work with your stylist to create the highlight look you want.

All different base colors work well with blonde highlights, which makes them a popular choice. Blonde highlights are available in a range of colors, including strawberry, beige and platinum. Remember that the color of your highlights should also go with your skin color and make your skin look better. All skin tones can work with blonde highlights; warm tones, for example, should go with the warmer blonde options like gold and cool skin tones should opt for the ash or beige colors.

Another color option that will work as highlights for almost anyone is red. Blondes can use red highlights to make their hair look warmer and punch up the blonde base color. Brunettes can lighten up and add some depth to their color with an auburn color highlight.

It is not too difficult to highlight lighter colored hair, but dark hair is a bit more of a challenge. In order to highlight dark hair, it must be bleached out first so the highlight will work. Once the hair strands are lightened then they can be highlighted with the lighter highlight color. Dark hair colors can choose from a variety of different highlight colors, such as blue, darker blonde or deep reds.

Looking for the best hair salon in Sacramento CA?  Look no further than Hoshall's Salon & Spa.


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